Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Visit From Auntie "E"

Jamie's sister, Erin, was in town for a visit last week. A good time was had by all with activities including...
tea parties with Olivia in the ladybug tent,

and lots of snuggles with Alex.

We also celebrated Jamie's passing of the CPA test, complete with...

"CPA" sugar cookies and

the burning of his study materials.

One of Jamie's friends who works in Rockies' sales had four extra tickets 10 rows behind home plate! It was perfect timing because Erin loves to watch baseball.

Thanks for all your help Auntie "E"- we miss you already!

Finally, Alex (or OWLix, as Olivia calls him) has been giving us lots of smiles lately. Here's one I caught on camera:

1 comment:

Erin Nau said...

A good time was definitely had by auntie E! I miss you all already.